Con Ed

David Knott, MM, MT-BC

Music Therapist-Board Certified

Neurologic Music Therapist, Fellow

Master of Music in Music Therapy, Colorado State University; Fort Collins, Colorado December 2016.

Bachelor of Music in Music Therapy,  Willamette University; Salem, Oregon  May, 1999.

Studies included graduate courses in neuroscientific foundations of music, historical foundations of music therapy, research methods, statistics and advanced practice, as well as undergraduate courses in music theory, ear training, instrumental and vocal methods, the program included courses in music therapy with adults and children, theories of personality (psychology), human anatomy lab and mysticism and creativity.

Luthier Certificate.  Roberto-Venn School of Luthiery, Phoenix, Arizona December, 1994.

Major:  Luthiery (instrument making)  Built one classical nylon and one electric bass guitar.  Also studied and practiced repair, passive electronics, finishing techniques, wood milling, scale derivation and other related subjects.

Associate of Arts.  North Seattle Community College, Seattle, Washington May 1994.

Studies included jazz guitar, botany, logic, computer science, journalism, international business and design.

Additional Education

Idaho State University, Pocatello, Idaho,  1987.

St. Mary’s College of Maryland, St. Mary’s City, Maryland, 1986 – 1987.

US Army Basic Training and Advanced Individualized Training Motor Transport Course; Fort Leonardwood, Missouri, 1988.


Board Certification in Music Therapy; November, 2001

Fellowship, Academy of Neurologic Music Therapy, Center for Biomedical Research in Music, Colorado State University; Ft. Collins, CO  2019, 2013, 2007  (Institute Training November, 2004)

Institute for Pediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care Music Therapy, Tallahassee Memorial Heathcare & Florida State University; Tallahassee, FL  September, 2004


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