w h o
Dave Knott
Composing improvisor, sound explorer, instrument maker, deep listener
father, partner, steward
David Knott, MM, MT-BC
Master of Music, Music Therapist-Board Certified
Fellow in the Academy for Neurologic Music Therapy
w h a t
a means of communication about my creative efforts, music therapy practice, play and research interests
w h e n
as frequently as possible while still prioritizing a direct and ongoing relationship with non-virtual reality
w h e r e
local to interstellar
w h y
as a way of furthering communication with established family, friends, colleagues and mentors while nurturing future relationships with like-minded’s and facilitating dialogue with unlike-minded’s
h o w
practice, sound gatherings and community soundings, performances, recordings, collaborations, workshops, writing, listening and dreaming
Authorship on sonocern.org by David/Dave Knott unless otherwise noted.